Join Braver Angels on Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 6.30pm MDT for a FREE debate/discussion on the topic – 

Resolved: "The government should provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it."

To Register, visit:

You probably haven’t experienced anything like a Braver Angels Debate. This is a highly structured conversation in which a group of people think together, listen carefully to one another, and allow themselves to be touched and perhaps changed by each other’s ideas. When done well, everyone walks out a little closer to the truth, more aware of the validity in opposing views, and with tighter community relationships.

To learn more about our debates, you can view this video of a sample debate (it lasts about 15 minutes). For more information, to find upcoming events or view recordings of some of our past debates please visit:

For background on the topic and suggestions for arguments pro and con, see below.

Light refreshments will be provided. All attendees who register and attend the event will be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card.

Questions? Email Tom Brantley,

Background Information and Considerations Related to the Resolution

To help focus our June 18 discussion on homelessness, we will be using a Braver Angels “debate” format, as described in the announcement above. Participants will therefore be encouraged to take one side or the other of the resolution. However, no one should feel constrained by the resolution. Again, its purpose is to help focus the discussion, but not limit it. Any genuinely held beliefs—or uncertainties—you may have about the general problem of homelessness will be welcomed, provided they are not abusive and are in the spirit of advancing understanding and searching for solutions. That said, here are some considerations that might help you frame your comments:

Resolved: The government should provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it.


“Homeless”—  Lacking permanent stable housing.

“Unsheltered homeless”or “living on the street” —  Primary nighttime residence is a place not meant for human habitation such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, camping grounds, bus or train station, airport, or on the street.

“Sheltered homeless” — Living in a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter that provides temporary living arrangements

“Housing First” — The predominant homeless assistance approach for the past three decades. It prioritizes providing permanent housing before attending to other matters such as getting a job, budgeting properly, or addressing substance use. Supportive services are offered, but Housing First does not require participation in service programs as a condition of housing.

“Grants Pass v. Johnson” (Grants Pass case) — A case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court that could determine whether it is Constitutional for a local government to make it a crime for homeless persons to sleep outside on public property when no shelter is available.


There is significant homelessness in Cheyenne, including unsheltered homelessness, even though the per capita rate of homelessness here is below the national average. HUDs Point in Time Count for 2023 found 653,100 homeless people nationwide (about 1 in every 500 persons), the highest ever, and an increase of 12 percent over 2022. 

Almost all of the government funding for homelessness in Cheyenne and Wyoming comes from the federal government. The federal agency principally responsible for homelessness assistance is the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under authority of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act, which amended and reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (see 

Organizations in Cheyenne that provide services to the homeless include the following: COMEA (temporary shelter, meals); Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless’ Welcome Mat Day Center (daytime shelter); Unaccompanied Students Initiative (housing for teens); Family Promise (temporary shelter for parent(s) and young children); Wyoming Department of Family Services Homeless Services Program/Wyoming Continuum of Care (Emergency Solutions Grants); Community Action of Laramie County’s (CALC) Crossroads Healthcare Clinic (healthcare for homeless); CALC’s Veteran Housing Services (temporary housing for veterans).

Causes of homelessness include the following: 

Visible unsheltered homeless people and “encampments” are generally considered undesirable, making others feel uncomfortable and threatened.. They are unsightly, may interfere with others’ use of public spaces, and may pose health and crime risks. They may also be the targets of violence.

Homeless persons are unlikely to receive adequate physical or mental health care or education,  and face obstacles in obtaining employment.

Proposals for housing options to remove homeless persons from the “street” include dormitories, single room occupancy buildings (e.g., multiple single rooms sharing a bathroom), “tiny homes,” campers, regular apartments, boarding houses, motels, hotels, and small/manufactured homes. 

Some resources for additional background information:  Tale of 3 cities.  There but for the Grace of God (This and the previous video were produced by Seattle station KOMO, the same one that produced Seattle is Dying, .)  Formerly homeless man says Denver will be next San Francisco if leaders don't change course.  Homelessness on the rise in Colorado and across America.  Uptown Denver homeless camp has renters ready to break leases.  Finland Solved Homelessness: Here's How (Spoiler: It's More Than Housing First)  Community First tour with founder.  HUD, The 2023 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. 

and  California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness.  National Institute of Health, Homelessness, Health, and Human Needs. WA spent $5B over past decade on homelessness, housing programs.

Some possible considerations/arguments in favor of the Resolution:

Some possible considerations/arguments against the Resolution:

Civics is the realm of rights and obligations of citizens in a society, it’s what allows each of us to be well-informed and active participants in our democracy.


Learn about different paths to civic engagement from a panel of experts on media, politics, non-profit organizations, communicating, legislating, rule-making, and protesting. Whether you're a knowledgeable civic enthusiast or new to the concept, bring your questions and leave with a personalized action plan catered to your unique strengths and personality traits!

To Register, visit: 



Light refreshments will be provided. All attendees who register and attend the event will be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card.

Questions? Email Tom Brantley,

July 4th commemorates the moment a new nation was born, based on ideals that each generation since has worked to bring to life:  freedom, equality, justice, and opportunity. Juneteenth, celebrated just a few weeks earlier, reminds us of the struggles and hard-won victories in our ongoing journey to form a “more perfect union.” Civic Season unites our oldest federal holiday with our newest, mobilizing a movement to understand our past and shape our future.

Join the Wyoming State Museum along with a collaborative of local and statewide organizations for a summertime celebration of who we are as a nation, how we got here and where we want to go next.

Learm Mor


Civic Season Festival

Sunday, June 16, 2024

3 PM - 6 PM

Westby Edge Brewing


Community Conversation:

Should the government provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6:30 - 8:00 PM

Laramie County Library, Cottonwood Room

Facilitated by Braver Angels


Democracy Under Construction

Thursday, June 20, 2024

7:00 - 8:00 PM

Wyoming State Museum, Classroom

Facilitated by Wyoming Humanities


Make Your Mark:

Becoming a well-informed and active citizen

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6:30 - 8:00 PM

Laramie County Library, Cottonwood Room

Facilitated by Braver Angels


A Slice of History: 

The Wyoming State Flag and The Women Who Made It Fly

Thursday, June 27, 2024

7:00 - 8:30 PM

Wyoming State Museum, Classroom

Calendar of Events

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