Braver Angels of Laramie County

“I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.”

- Abraham Lincoln                                                  

Braver Angels envisions an America with respectful embrace of political disagreements, where civic friendship flourishes and competing perspectives strengthen our nation.

The work of Braver Angels starts with bringing Reds and Blues together to take action and build community at the grassroots level.

Meet people from across the political spectrum who are committed to listening to and working alongside those with whom they disagree. The Laramie County Braver Angels Alliance hosts debates, discussions, and social events aimed at bringing people together to strengthen our community and bridge the partisan divide.

Fighting Over Politics is Tearing Us Apart 

The % of Americans who “Always/Often” feel _____ when thinking about politics these days.


Fed up with today's politics? There is a better way.

Braver Angels is leading the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide for the good of our democratic republic. As we head into the election, we’re bringing together “We the People” to find a hopeful alternative to toxic politics. The American Hope campaign is equipping Americans across the political spectrum to work together and demand the same of politicians from both parties. 

Building Confidence to Work Together

Below are responses from those surveyed after attending a Braver Angels signature Red/Blue Workshop.